Learn more about the
Wellness Resource Hub
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Are you under 18 years old?
Visit the [Child and Youth Info page](https://achwm.ca/resource-hub/child-and-youth-info)
What is the ACHWM Resource Hub?
The ACHWM Resource Hub identifies programs, strategies, and resources that support mental and emotional wellness for children and youth in Indigenous communities. The Resource Hub aims to be a starting point to facilitate knowledge exchange and sharing across communities and nations.
1. Group Programs: a compendium of existing programs, evaluated for their effectiveness in supporting Indigenous children and youth. [create a login to access the Group Programs](https://achwm.ca/login)
2. Wellness Resources: a collection of existing public, existing community, and new resources to address mental health literacy and stigma. [Check out the Wellness Resources now!](https://achwm.ca/resource-hub/wellness-resource-hub)