Explore the

Child and Youth Hub

Welcome to the ACHWM Child and Youth Hub!

Explore our resources and links to learn more about how you can help your health and wellness.

What is the ACHWM?

The ACHWM is a tool that can help you share your story about health and wellness. Watch Thomas and Sara explain what the ACHWM means to them and their friends in this video Cllick here to view [ACHWM Explained to Children & Youth video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lL-g9vvgN6Qm489aEV3zymNoXYPYru83/view?usp=sharing)

What is the ACHWM?

The ACHWM is a tool that can help you share your story about health and wellness. Watch Thomas and Sara explain what the ACHWM means to them and their friends in this video Cllick here to view [ACHWM Explained to Children & Youth video](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lL-g9vvgN6Qm489aEV3zymNoXYPYru83/view?usp=sharing)

What is wholistic health?

Every part of your well-being matters. Think about four different areas of wholistic health:
[bullet](Physical health)
[bullet](Spiritual health)
[bullet](Emotional health)
[bullet](Mental health)
It is important to bring each aspect of your and your community’s health into balance and harmony.

Scroll through this slideshow to learn more about each area of health. Reflect on what you do and what you could do to support balance for each area of health.

What is wholistic health?

Every part of your well-being matters. Think about four different areas of wholistic health:
[bullet](Physical health)
[bullet](Spiritual health)
[bullet](Emotional health)
[bullet](Mental health)
It is important to bring each aspect of your and your community’s health into balance and harmony.

Scroll through this slideshow to learn more about each area of health. Reflect on what you do and what you could do to support balance for each area of health.

Spiritual Health

Spiritual health is how we establish peace and harmony with the energies of the universe. To support your spiritual health, try:
[bullet](Listening to stories)
[bullet](Connecting with the land)
[bullet](Singing, dancing, or playing music)
What else could you do to support your spiritual health?

Physical Health

Physical health is how we take care of our body that physically carries us through life. Take care of your physical health through exercise, healthy eating, and listening to your body for signs of stress and exhaustion. To support your physical health, try:
[bullet](Getting plenty of sleep)
[bullet](Taking a walk)
[bullet](Making a point to get out and move every day)
What else could you do to support your physical health?

Emotional Health

Emotional health is how we think, feel, and act. It includes our understanding of the self. To support your emotional health, try:
[bullet](Being a role model)
[bullet](Expressing gratitude)
What else could you do to support your emotional health?

Mental Health

Mental health is how we make decisions and interact with the world around us. To support your mental health, try:
[bullet](Writing in a journal)
[bullet](Spending time with friends)
[bullet](Learning new things)
[bullet](Setting goals and making plans)
What else could you do to support your mental health?

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Support Resources

Are you looking for help or support?

It can help to talk. There are people waiting to help you. Reach out to Elders, parents, and adults in your community to ask for help.

You can also reach out to these confidential, anonymous resources designed for First Nation, Inuit, and Metis children and youth available 24/7:
[Hope for Wellness](https://www.hopeforwellness.ca) has an online chat or you can call 1-855-242-3310.
[LGBT Youthline](https://www.youthline.ca/) has an online chat or you can call 647-694-4275.
[Kids Help Phone](https://kidshelpphone.ca/get-info/first-nations-inuit-and-metis/?utm_medium=vanity&utm_source=kidshelpphone.ca/indigenous&utm_campaign=IndigenousYouthInitiatives) lets you text, live chat, or call someone at 1-800-668-6868.

Are you looking for help or support?

It can help to talk. There are people waiting to help you. Reach out to Elders, parents, and adults in your community to ask for help.

You can also reach out to these confidential, anonymous resources designed for First Nation, Inuit, and Metis children and youth available 24/7:
[Hope for Wellness](https://www.hopeforwellness.ca) has an online chat or you can call 1-855-242-3310.
[LGBT Youthline](https://www.youthline.ca/) has an online chat or you can call 647-694-4275.
[Kids Help Phone](https://kidshelpphone.ca/get-info/first-nations-inuit-and-metis/?utm_medium=vanity&utm_source=kidshelpphone.ca/indigenous&utm_campaign=IndigenousYouthInitiatives) lets you text, live chat, or call someone at 1-800-668-6868.

How do I ask for help?

Starting a conversation about emotional health can be hard. Remember that, if you are struggling, talking to any adult can help: this can be an Elder, teacher, parent, or mentor. It can also be difficult to find someone who is easy to talk to. Don’t be discouraged and try again with someone new if the first conversation doesn’t go well.

Here are 5 tips for starting conversations about mental health.

1. Know that it is OK to ask for help

There is nothing wrong with asking for help. You are brave, you are strong, and your feelings are valid. Just like it is OK to talk to a teacher if you are having a hard time with a math problem, it is just as OK to talk to someone about feeling sad, anxious, or overwhelmed.

2. Don't wait to bring it up

The sooner you ask for help the sooner you’ll start feeling better. Pick a quiet moment when you are alone with an adult to bring up how you are feeling. If you are unsure how to start the conversation, try writing a text or a letter to the adult.
Try [Kids Help Phone’s Letter Builder](https://kidshelpphone.ca/get-info/letter-builder/) to help you bring up what you are dealing with.

3. Explain how you're feeling

Practice saying both what you are having trouble with and how it is affecting you. Describe how you are feeling, what you are thinking, or what you are doing. This can help the adult understand your feelings and experiences.
For example, “I’m tired all of the time and always feel sad. I don’t want to do things after school.”
For example, “I feel really scared in class and am terrified the teacher will call on me. It’s hard to participate and ask my questions.”

3. Explain how you're feeling

Practice saying both what you are having trouble with and how it is affecting you. Describe how you are feeling, what you are thinking, or what you are doing. This can help the adult understand your feelings and experiences.
For example, “I’m tired all of the time and always feel sad. I don’t want to do things after school.”
For example, “I feel really scared in class and am terrified the teacher will call on me. It’s hard to participate and ask my questions.”

4. Say you want help

Focus on how you can get better. Try saying, “I want to see someone who can help.” Remember that your feelings are valid and true. If they say that what you are feeling is normal and you don’t need help, try saying, “This is serious and real. The way I feel is keeping me from doing what I want to do.”

5. If you need to, try again

These conversations can be hard and, if you don’t get what you need the first time, try again. You can try asking the same person again or try talking to someone different. Other people may have an easier time understanding what you’re going through and offering you the help you need.

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Online Wellness Resources

Your Big River Journey

Embark on an interactive, virtual canoe journey from Fort Smith to Tuktoyaktuk and connect with Dene and Inuvialuit ways of life, knowledge, and history. [Click here to view](https://www.nwtexhibits.ca/bigriver/)

Your Big River Journey

Embark on an interactive, virtual canoe journey from Fort Smith to Tuktoyaktuk and connect with Dene and Inuvialuit ways of life, knowledge, and history. [Click here to view](https://www.nwtexhibits.ca/bigriver/)

Learn a Language

Learn a new language to connect with your community.

Learn Ojibway, Cree and Oji-Cree with the KOBE app from the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Board of Education. Access at the [Google Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.languagepal.kobeojibwayandroid&hl=en_CA&gl=US) and [Apple Store](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/kobe-ojibway/id1437715642)

[Learn a language with First Voices such as Kanien'kéha-Mohawk](https://www.firstvoices.com/explore/FV/sections/Data)
[Cree Language Dictionary (Plains Cree)](http://kids.creedictionary.com)
[Eastern James Bay Cree Dictionary](https://dictionary.eastcree.org/words)
[The Ojibwe People’s Dictionary](https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu)
[Inuttut Dictionary](http://www.labradorvirtualmuseum.ca/home/inuttut_dictionary.htm)
[Inuktut Glossary](http://www.labradorvirtualmuseum.ca/home/inuttut_dictionary.htm)
[Mi'gmaq/Mi’kmaq Online](https://www.mikmaqonline.org/)

Learn a Language

Learn a new language to connect with your community.

Learn Ojibway, Cree and Oji-Cree with the KOBE app from the Keewaytinook Okimakanak Board of Education. Access at the [Google Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.languagepal.kobeojibwayandroid&hl=en_CA&gl=US) and [Apple Store](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/kobe-ojibway/id1437715642)

[Learn a language with First Voices such as Kanien'kéha-Mohawk](https://www.firstvoices.com/explore/FV/sections/Data)
[Cree Language Dictionary (Plains Cree)](http://kids.creedictionary.com)
[Eastern James Bay Cree Dictionary](https://dictionary.eastcree.org/words)
[The Ojibwe People’s Dictionary](https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu)
[Inuttut Dictionary](http://www.labradorvirtualmuseum.ca/home/inuttut_dictionary.htm)
[Inuktut Glossary](http://www.labradorvirtualmuseum.ca/home/inuttut_dictionary.htm)
[Mi'gmaq/Mi’kmaq Online](https://www.mikmaqonline.org/)

Take a Wellness Self Quest

Take Kids Help Phone’s Self Quest journey to learn more about yourself. Explore how you can support and balance your health and well-being. Who supports you in your life? What stresses you out and how do you cope? What makes you happy? These are just some of the questions to answer along the way.
[Click here for Kids Help Phone’s Self Quest](https://bit.ly/3DV3zib)

Take a Wellness Self Quest

Take Kids Help Phone’s Self Quest journey to learn more about yourself. Explore how you can support and balance your health and well-being. Who supports you in your life? What stresses you out and how do you cope? What makes you happy? These are just some of the questions to answer along the way.
[Click here for Kids Help Phone’s Self Quest](https://bit.ly/3DV3zib)

Printable Wellness Resources

Colouring Pages

Colouring pages can help you stay healthy. Try colouring as a de-stress activity when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
Click here for [Printable colouring sheets.](https://achwm.ca/sites/default/files/documents/Colouring%20Page%20FISH.pdf)

Colouring Pages

Colouring pages can help you stay healthy. Try colouring as a de-stress activity when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
Click here for [Printable colouring sheets.](https://achwm.ca/sites/default/files/2020-10/COLOURING_PAGE_1_flowers%20with%20spot%20for%20message.pdf)

Colouring Pages

Colouring pages can help you stay healthy. Try colouring as a de-stress activity when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
Click here for [Printable colouring sheets.](https://achwm.ca/sites/default/files/2020-10/COLOURING_PAGE_1_flowers%20with%20spot%20for%20message.pdf)

Colouring Pages

Colouring pages can help you stay healthy. Try colouring as a de-stress activity when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
Click here for [Printable colouring sheets.](https://achwm.ca/sites/default/files/documents/With%20LOGOS%20Colouring_Page_2_snow%20bird.pdf)

Colouring Pages

Colouring pages can help you stay healthy. Try colouring as a de-stress activity when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
Click here for [Printable colouring sheets.](https://achwm.ca/sites/default/files/documents/With%20LOGOS%20Colouring_Page_3_simple%20flowers.pdf)

Colouring Pages

Colouring pages can help you stay healthy. Try colouring as a de-stress activity when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
Click here for [Printable colouring sheets.](https://achwm.ca/sites/default/files/documents/With%20LOGOS%20Colouring_Page_5_plants.pdf)

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Colouring Pages from Urbaniskew

Access more colouring sheets here from Holly Pichette, a London-based visual artist of both Swampy Cree and French Canadian ancestry. Click here for [Urbaniskew Colouring Pages](https://www.urbaniskwew.com/coloring-pages).

Colouring Pages from Urbaniskew

Access more colouring sheets here from Holly Pichette, a London-based visual artist of both Swampy Cree and French Canadian ancestry. Click here for [Urbaniskew Colouring Pages](https://www.urbaniskwew.com/coloring-pages).

Try Mindfulness Tracing

Mindfulness tracing is an exercise to help you focus and breathe. This can help when you are feeling upset or overwhelmed.

View the image on a computer, tablet, or printed paper.
Place your finger on the arrows.
Slowly trace the arrows while controlling your breaths in and out.
Click here for [Printable mindfulness tracing exercises.](https://achwm.ca/sites/default/files/documents/Mindfulness%20tracing%20-%20PDF%20-%20EN.pdf)

Try Mindfulness Tracing

Mindfulness tracing is an exercise to help you focus and breathe. This can help when you are feeling upset or overwhelmed.

View the image on a computer, tablet, or printed paper.
Place your finger on the arrows.
Slowly trace the arrows while controlling your breaths in and out.
Click here for [Printable mindfulness tracing exercises.](https://achwm.ca/sites/default/files/documents/Mindfulness%20tracing%20-%20PDF%20-%20EN.pdf)

Try Mindfulness Tracing

Mindfulness tracing is an exercise to help you focus and breathe. This can help when you are feeling upset or overwhelmed.

View the image on a computer, tablet, or printed paper.
Place your finger on the arrows.
Slowly trace the arrows while controlling your breaths in and out.
Click here for [Printable mindfulness tracing exercises.](https://achwm.ca/sites/default/files/2020-11/Mindfulness%20Tracing%20Canoe.pdf)

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